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Welcome to Bonsai Tree Care! Information, advice and tutorials for Bonsai Enthusiasts, By Bonsai Enthusiasts

Welcome to Bonsai Tree!

Hello and welcome to! This site is designed to provide helpful information to bonsai enthusiasts of all sorts, from amateur bonsai owners to highly experienced bonsai growers and trainers. This site has been set up by Herons Bonsai to help bonsai owners learn how to properly care for their bonsai trees. Our video archive covers a wide range of bonsai training and styling techniques including wiring, pruning and more. Our aim is to provide bonsai owners and enthusiasts with the tools and information they need to develop their own skills.

A Look at our Bonsai Trees...

Large Bonsai at Herons

Peter takes us on a tour through the Herons Bonsai nursery to view all the amazing large bonsai trees it has to offer. We see how the large bonsais are kept and maintained, the history of the trees and the beautiful Japanese garden at Herons.

Large Bonsai at RHS Wisley

In this video we take a walk around the sponsored bonsai garden at Wisley’s Royal Horticultural Society centre. Peter Chan and his wife have been proud RHS sponsors since 1997. Herons have donated twenty-four bonsai trees for display at RHS wisely. More than half of these trees have been hand created at Herons, by Peter himself.

The display houses a vast array of bonsai specimen, showcasing many unique tree styles from various species.

About Herons Bonsai

Dawn and Peter Chan first founded the Herons nursery over 30 years ago in 1986. Today the nursery is a seven and a half acre bonsai haven home to a huge range of beautiful bonsai trees. Herons has been named Britain’s Premier bonsai nursery and has become the no.1 bonsai centre for bonsai enthusiast across Britain. Peter Chan is one of the most respected and renowned bonsai specialists in his field. Chan’s interest in bonsai began in 1967. By the mid 70’s Chan had developed a true passion for bonsai, which would later earn him his first RHS gold medal at the Chelsea flower show in 1982. Today, Chan’s RHS gold medal collection is at a record 21. Chan is also the commended author of nine successful bonsai books, and of course, a devoted senior member of the Herons Bonsai team.
peter chan
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